
It is very difficult for me to express with words what this place means for me. I Feel that this is my space in the World. My magical corner...
When I arrive there, time seems to stop. It flows slowlier and my problems disappear. I only have to sit in front of the sea and close my eyes, listen to the sound, breath slowly and that’s all.  It heals me! I am not be able to remember anything in my life without the influence of this place. 
It is in my memories since I was a child, when I spent the summer with my family and all experiences that come to my mind are the happiest ones. 
I reckon that this is the reason why La Punta del Hidalgo will be always my shelter and I love sharing it with you.


  1. Marvellous use of vocabulary to describe your fav place, I really enjoy reading about it and not getting to know until the end where it was, you kept me anxious and that is what good writers manage to do, congratulations Andrea!


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